In 1000 years’ time people will live well beyond the average life span we have now but that is not really what we want. What we want is youth – eternal youth. The ability to stay youthful physically – to maintain our youthful looks and avoid the pains and deterioration of our bodies that accompany aging.
Medical sciences have prolonged our lives and have all-but eradicated many congenital human conditions and diseases that once took the lives of many in their infancy, youth or early adulthood. In the West in particular we live twice as long as we did 150 to 200 years ago. We are living much longer and are healthier on the way there, however science has yet to discover the recipe for stopping the ageing process. Aging is inevitable and in a nutshell it is the weakening of defenses and the slowing down of the production of skin cells. There are ways however to combat certain aspects of the aging process - ways to slow it down by stimulating vital cells so as to slow down the natural processes of aging. The Power of Aloe Vera The botanical name of Aloe Vera is Aloe Barbadensis-Miller. One of the greatest icons of beauty and youth is Nefertiti, (c. 1370BC) the Egyptian wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. She was worshiped for her incredible beauty, vitality and youthfulness. It is said she attributed her sustainable beauty to the use of Aloe Vera. She drank the juice of the gel and applied the fresh gel to her face, neck, hands and feet before retiring and again each morning. It is said she sometimes bathed in aloe gel. This plant, this ‘Miracle Plant’ as it is often called pops up with remarkable regularity in ancient scrolls, the original pharmacological writings right through to the publications of today. All referring to the plants amazing anti-aging potency and its health giving qualities. As you know it is hard not to pick up a hair product, skin lotion or face mask cream that does not contain Aloe Vera. Q - Why is Aloe Vera in so many skin, hair and anti-aging products? A - Aloe Vera contains a very large scientific analysis that reads as gobbledygook to most. It will probably bore and confuse the average layperson. For those of us (like me) who prefer the plain language and simpler version Aloe Vera features in numerous health and beauty products because of it’s complex but generous containment of 75 potentially active constituents: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids. (Click for details of Aloe Vera's active components and properties) Some of those significantly increase collagen synthesis stimulating skin cell rejuvenation. Both topical (selected area) application and oral ingestion are beneficial in this regard. Aloe Vera, when applied to the skin in gel form, generates an antioxidant protein called metallothionein which reduces the production and release of immunosuppressive agents therefore assisting skin to combat the effects of ultra-violet rays and free- radicals which both are major causes of aging. Additionally Aloe Vera stimulates fibroblast* which produces the collagen and elastin fibres that make the skin more elastic and less wrinkled. It also stimulates hydration and contains anti-inflammatory compounds. The anti-oxidant qualities of Aloe Vera deliver healthy and enriched blood cells and tissue without suppressing the body’s ability to absorb other essential vitamins and mineral. Aloe in fact contains many of these vitamins and minerals some being the essential vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants. It also contains vitamin B12, folic acid, and choline. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. The minerals are calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc. They are essential for the proper functioning of various enzyme systems in different metabolic pathways. Those are some of the beneficial elements of the Aloe Vera plant in relation to both general health and in particular skin and hair/scalp health. Drinking two or three glasses a day of homemade Aloe Vera juice will make your skin and your body’s health in general look and feel great. You will sleep better and feel more vital. This use of Aloe Vera accompanied by good diet and the right exercise will bathe you in your own fountain of youth. The Miracle Plant for Skin Your face, hands, feet, legs and any part of your body that is exposed more often can be kept youthful with the use of Aloe Vera. Ingredients and how to tips for facial skin beauty and youthful looks can be found on the aloefresh web site, * A fibroblast is a type of cell that synthesizes the extracellular matrix and collagen the structural framework (stroma) for animal tissues, and plays a critical role in wound healing and/or, in the case of this article, skin repair from the effects of exposure to ultra-violet rays and oxidation. both of which cause aging. |